Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Joyous Birth

I know I have posted my blog as a weekly post, however I have been joyously distracted by the birth of my grand- daughter Annabel. I was present during her delivery and with my son-in -law helped my daughter through her labor. Though I had been through this some thirty years ago, I didn't get to experience the miracle of the event in quite the same way. I was astounded at what I experienced as coach and grandma. As I held her for the first time she opened her little eyes and seemed to look right into the depths of my soul as I softly sang to her. I have been visiting to help mommy and baby with their new routine as most grandmothers would do ( without being too intrusive) and yet I have a big responsibility ahead of me for which I take very seriously. My daughter asked that I become Annabel's spiritual guide. This is a great honor, as my family does not share my Wiccan beliefs, and although my family is spiritual oriented in many different denominations, I was chosen because I have actively studied the tenets of many of the world religions and have learned to be tolerant. I will share the positive aspects of many of these religions including my own... in a way that a child could understand. My hope is that she grows to find her own spiritual path and in that I will support her unconditionally. I pray to my God and Goddess to help me in this high honor and hope to share the beauty of the Divine so my precious Annabel will find her own spiritual way in a world that I feel will eventually seek unity. Brightest blessings!

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